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About us

Toplitz Productions. Games with Heart and Soul.

Named after the mystic “Toplitz Lake” which is situated in a dense mountain forest high up in the Alps, Toplitz Productions was recently founded with the aim of developing and publishing computer and video games “with heart and soul”.

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Football, Tactics & Glory

Buy now:   PC  Playstation 4  Xbox One  


Football, Tactics & Glory

What makes this game so special?

As a coach, you get to take a look at your opponent, unambiguously determine his weaknesses and put your tactics on display to defeat even a stronger opponent. In the living world developing along with you, each match turns into a football puzzle.


What else is unique about the game?

  • The tactile sensation of managing footballers like pieces on a chess board.
  • Meanwhile, each footballer is unique. In time, you will recognize each of them by their faces and you will have a particular attitude toward each of them.
  • This game is about strategic planning, not micromanagement. Instead of spending time enhancing some characteristic by 0.01%, you make “big” decisions that noticeably affect the destiny of your club. This eliminates the boring side of football manager games – countless tables, a whole routine, and micromanagement.
  • The game values your time. You can make it through a football season in just a couple of actual hours rather than days as is the case for other football manager games. Meanwhile, each season is filled with events and fascinating decisions.
  • You manage the footballers directly, so you always know why the match took a certain course, rather than going another way. You know how footballers use their strong points and weaknesses. Since in other games it is never obvious how your tactics and the strong points of your players affected (or did not affect) the end results.


I don't like football!

Football, Tactics & Glory reinvents the basics of the football management genre, making it appealing to everyone, not just the most hardcore football management aficionados. In many reviews, players write that they didn’t like football until they tried our game. If you enjoy turn-based gameplay, strategy or tycoon games, you will love Football, Tactics & Glory.


  • Unique turn-based system
  • Club development involving economics and RPG elements
  • Powerful face editor
  • Mod support which allows you to create real-life leagues
  • Online game support
  • Twitch integration (spectators can interact with a streamer)
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