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Toplitz Productions GmbH

FN: 317068b
VAT: ATU64492604

Trautenfelserstraße 281
8952 Irdning

Drop us a line and we will get in touch with you shortly.

About us

Toplitz Productions. Games with Heart and Soul.

Named after the mystic “Toplitz Lake” which is situated in a dense mountain forest high up in the Alps, Toplitz Productions was recently founded with the aim of developing and publishing computer and video games “with heart and soul”.

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Can you hear it? Far away, the blacksmith is doing his daily work, the fields are being tilled by industrious hands and children are romping in the streets, while you meet in the tavern to gather refreshments and meet company? The sound is getting louder and louder, and in just a few weeks you will start your console and be there… live! You'll dive right into the harsh, yet beautiful Middle Ages when Medieval Dynasty is released for Xbox Series X|S and Playstation 5!

With Medieval Dynasty, which has received 'very positive' reviews from players on Steam, being one of Toplitz Productions' top sellers with over 1 million sales on PC, publisher and developer Render Cube are looking forward to the approaching console release.

"Finally, the time has come! We will soon be able to bring the long-awaited and much requested console versions of Medieval Dynasty to gamers. We have put a lot of heart and energy into the port to bring the gameplay enjoyment experienced by PC players to the new generation consoles," explains Damian Szymansky, CEO Render Cube.

"Releasing Medieval Dynasty on console is a big step for us as well as the developers. We want to expand our product portfolio across platforms and offer our titles to both PC and console gamers. Medieval Dynasty is the biggest console release in the company's history and we are very proud to continue the successful path we’ve already started together with Render Cube," adds Matthias Wünsche, CEO Toplitz Productions.

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2024-10-11 10:02

Enjoy the time-limited chance to try some of the highly anticipated games from Toplitz Productions

2024-09-26 13:41

Combat Update Revolutionizes Sengoku Dynasty with Game-Changing Combat and Perks

2024-09-10 13:00

Dive into the future of business strategy and play the highly anticipated next chapter of the cult franchise at Steam Next Fest

2024-08-23 12:00

Combat Update Revolutionizes Sengoku Dynasty with Game-Changing Combat and Perks

2024-08-23 11:00

Latest gameplay trailer, showcasing the battle for humanity's future

2024-08-23 11:00

Industry Giant 4 Gameplay Shows Off Big Business Potential

2024-08-22 14:00

Version 1.0 of fully overhauled city builder/action adventure mix released on Steam

2024-08-21 14:00

Survive The Fall offers a unique postapocalyptic mix

2024-08-21 10:00

New Trailer Showcasing Core Features & Upcoming Content

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