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Toplitz Productions GmbH

FN: 317068b
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8952 Irdning

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About us

Toplitz Productions. Games with Heart and Soul.

Named after the mystic “Toplitz Lake” which is situated in a dense mountain forest high up in the Alps, Toplitz Productions was recently founded with the aim of developing and publishing computer and video games “with heart and soul”.

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Whats new

Today, publisher Toplitz Productions presents a new gameplay trailer for its forestry business and life simulation game — Lumberjack’s Dynasty.


Recently released on Early Access (PC), the game introduces players to a more outdoorsy lifestyle, where they’ll work to take their family’s lumber business from almost defunct to a dominant dynasty.

Today’s new trailer showcases three key elements of Lumberjack’s Dynasty:  social interactions, construction and maintenance, and quests. To succeed and build a booming business, players will need to build a community with their neighbors, while taking on various tasks, or quests, offered by the locals. Of course, running a timber business takes more than talking, and viewers of today’s trailer will get a first-hand look at the family farmhouse as it is being restored to its former glory. 

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