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Toplitz Productions GmbH

FN: 317068b
VAT: ATU64492604

Trautenfelserstraße 281
8952 Irdning

Drop us a line and we will get in touch with you shortly.

About us

Toplitz Productions. Games with Heart and Soul.

Named after the mystic “Toplitz Lake” which is situated in a dense mountain forest high up in the Alps, Toplitz Productions was recently founded with the aim of developing and publishing computer and video games “with heart and soul”.

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What is going on?

Whats new

Toplitz Productions sums up Gamescom 2019 extremely positively! With the visit of German football manager and former player who captaining the German team to victory in the 1990 FIFA World Cup; Lothar Matthäus. His attendence attracted media and fans alike who wanted to meet the great man. He was attending the show to showcase the upcoming title: Football, Tactics & Glory. This year's GC appearance for the Austrian publisher was a great success as they were able to show off their extremely promising line-up for the coming months.


"Football, Tactics & Glory" will be released this year for consoles! The development is finished and the last tests and preparations for the planned launch at the end of October have been initiated. All football fans and lovers of tactical strategy games can look forward to a football-filled end of the year on consoles!

Here you can find the Toplitz-Gamescom Story and interview with Lothar.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW1YNICv-ww&feature=youtu.be

Toplitz Productions is looking forward to the next months and is looking forward to working with you! Key reservations, specials, interviews - we are open to all ideas and look forward to hearing from you!

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Enhance your farming experience with realistic tools and equipment!

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